Nationalism and populism as the driving forces of economic deglobalization, regionalism and localism processes


  • José G. Vargas-Hernández


Palabras clave:

economic deglobalization, localism, nationalism, populism, regionalism


The aim of this paper is to analyze the nationalism and populism as the driving forces of economic deglobalization processes and regionalism. The analysis departs from the assumption that the economic deglobalization processes responds to a more complex dynamic forces created by the economic, financial and the most recent sanitary crisis that blocks the continuity of the economic globalization. Moreover, at the center of the analysis is the conceptuali7ation that both globali7ation and deglobaliration are two faces of the same coin, but with opposite driving forces. Nationalism and populism are the driving forces of deglobalization leading to find regional and more local solutions to economic growth, social and environmental problems.




Cómo citar

Vargas-Hernández , J. G. . (2022). Nationalism and populism as the driving forces of economic deglobalization, regionalism and localism processes. Revista Nicolaita De Estudios Económicos, 16(2), 41–54.

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